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Gorakh hill station the koh murree of sindh.

  Gorakh hill station is one of the best destinations for travellers who love travelling across the Pakistan and world  People from all over the world who love to travelling across the world and searching for new tourist destinations. Gorakh hill station is situated at 5,689ft in kirthar mountain 94 kilometres from Dadu city gorakh hill station receives occasional snowfall in winters it is marked to be a good tourist spot. Gorakh hill station is beautiful destination called the Koh murree of Sindh is in the dadu district of sindh Pakistan. People who love travelling and start their journey can come here to this beautiful place from any side like they can start from Karachi or Hyderabad from Karachi it took 10 hour’s to reach the first place called wahi pandi people coming from Hyderabad also took same road and reach wahi pandi after reaching wahi pandi people sit in jeeps becouse the roads of gorakh hill stations are not very developed so it took almost 3 hours to reach main dest

The thing to do before traveling anywhere.


Today I will discuss the things everyone should do before traveling as an individual or with family or with friends in groups or going on school trips.

I will discuss all things one by one.

1. TEMPERATUR (WEATHER): most important thing before going on any traveling trip is to check the temperature of the place where you are going. you are traveling to a nearby city or the city which is very far from your city or you have plans to travel to another country. It must to check the temperature, know days it's very much easy to check temperature throw google and other forecast agencies, we can know the temperature of the place we are veiling to visit not one-day temperature but we can check the temperature of many days and weeks also and we can check about the weather of that place that in which season is on rainy season and which is snowy as well as windy season, if the temperature is good to go at the place then we can go.

It's good to understand before going to any area that what its temperature is in summer and what its temperature in winter from past year become of global warming temperature of every area have changed so its good to know about the temperature before we going to travel.

2. TIME MANAGEMENT: 2nd most important thing before going traveling is time management if we are going to any were for traveling then we must manage our time and days, we must plan the days how many days will we stay there if we have the plan to go for many cites then must plan that how much days we will stay in one city, if we can't manage the time then we will have short time and we cant visit many places in our traveling time management is the best way in all life as well as in traveling also.

3. FOODS: 3rd important thing before traveling is to research the food of the area where we are going, we must know about the vegetables, fruits. meal. dairy products etc of the area we are going, we must know that the favorite food`s of the area or the country we are going to visit so we can taste it for our best experience.

4. HOTEL: 4th most important thing is to know about the hotel or the places where we have to stay in our travel journey, we must know about the good locations where we can stay safe, so we should do our best research on that, we must know the name of good areas and safe areas, its must be at the safe place if we are with the family so we can give them a safe and good environment.

These were some things which I share with all of you so if you have plans to go any were this summer you must research the thing which I discuss in the blog.
